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Outtakes/Additional Content


In 2015, ABC Radio produced this terrific feature on Dave's poetry, partly informed by our film then in production, and our interview with Niall Lucy who had co-edited the Fremantle Press collection of Dave's writing.


Outtake - David McComb's poetry :

Readings and publication featurette with Niall Lucy



Director Jonathan Alley interviewed by Aaron Curran on the Unmarked Tracks podcast 


Interview -Dreaming in the Past: A Deep Dig into Radio NZ's archives 

Have you heard our live tribute album ! Even if you know this little gem, featuring superb live renditions of David McComb's songs from The Blackeyed Susans, The Diving Bell, Charles Jenkins and loads of other legends, you might not have heard super little interview conducted by Radio New Zealand's Nick Bollinger -- author, archivist, bassist, reviewer and all round good guy  --- with our director Jonathan Alley when the album was originally released. Some great questions and worth a quick listen! 


Related Clips


Love In Bright Landscapes 


Love in bright landscapes


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